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Career Coaching

Dr. Arlene Barro
Branding & Hiring Expert
Master Coach who Brands Clients
from Coast to Coast

UCLA Magazine says,
“What are the secrets of a winning job hunt? Few experts offer advice as intriguing – or usable – about that quest as Arlene Barro, president and CEO of L.A.-based barro global search, inc…”



 Right Fit Branding

“If you don’t understand THAT YOU HAVE A BRAND, you can’t sell it.” – Dr. Arlene Barro

No interviews? No job offers? Wrong job offers? Whether you’re a new college graduate or a highly successful executive, you need branding to capture the right job. Dr. Arlene, Branding & Hiring Expert, has the perfect solution—a distinct, recognizable, and intriguing brand. Employers must grasp your brand in a flash. Your brand has two sides like a coin: the written script (resume) and the verbal broadcast (interview). And you must know how to brand both sides. Dr. Arlene can help you. The key is creating the right brand first.

“If you don’t understand WHAT YOUR BRAND IS, you can’t sell it.” – Dr. Arlene Barro

To hear your next employer say, “You’re Hired!” you must convince that employer that your brand is The Right Fit for them. If you’re having difficulty getting interviews and job offers, let’s figure out the power of your brand right now. Then you’ll know what needs to be fixed and fix it with Dr. Arlene.

To discuss the power of your brand, call Dr. Arlene at 310-443-4277 to arrange a time to speak with her.


Watch the Wise-Job Seeking Cow

In the app trailer IBrandU4Hire

 before using the app!



Got branding? Let's find out!

Dr. Arlene Barro
Rate Your Brand: Zero to Hire



On my WIN Without Competing! Show

listen to iBrandU4Hire

Episode 76 on Spotify


Dr. Arlene Introduces

the Website Version of her App



Ready to BrandYou?

Use my App iBrandu4Hire right now!


Take a True and False 10 Question Quiz

Record your answers.

Listen to hear the correct answers.


Email Your Results to drbarro@barroglobal.com

or drbarro@winwithoutcompeting.com


Questions to ask me?

Either email me or call my office

In Los Angeles to arrange

a phone chat with me





You will hear me speaking!



Goodbye for now!

Dr. Arlene

The Creator of iBrandU4Hire

& BrandYou

Let's create a Memorable Brand for YOU!


Email your resume to Dr. Arlene: resumes@barroglobal.com


Happy 100th Birthday President Carter, Oct. 1, 2024

In 2005, I had the pleasure of meeting President Carter.

I will never forget our fascinating coversation.

Read Jimmy Carter: Memorable Name Brand With Dr. Arlene

 barro global search, inc., a distinguished brand, has been flourishing

      for more than 20 years and continues to expand its

Unique Services. The Right Fit Method is The Right Fit Brand

for candidates, employees, employers, entrepreneurs.

Read The story of barro global search, inc.

Opportunity Knocks Now!

Master The Art of Intrapreneurship With Dr. Arlene

YOU Can Become a Corporate Entrepreneur

Connect: Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277




BRAND to WIN With Dr. Arlene

Make Yourself Memorable

Shine a Spotlight on Your Brilliant Brand

Ignite Sizzling Success

I Am The Right Fit Winner!

Watch Me WIN!

Dr. Arlene

Dr. Arlene Introduces:

The Right Fit Relationship Building Strategies

Ignite Unparalleled Success

Dr. Arlene Introduces:

Evaluating Presidential Fitness to Serve
Identifying The Right Fit Media

Differentiating Facts from Opinion


Dr. Arlene Introduces:

Eliminating Erroneous Assumptions

Igniting The Fit Right Matches

Jane Fonda, John Williams, and Steven Spielberg

Carol Burnett, Dick Van Dyke

At age 98, Dick Van Dyke accepted an Emmy Award in 2024!


Read About Dr. Arlene's

Unforgettable Meeting With

The Legendary Dr. Jonas Salk



The Right Fit Controls and Standards Must Rule

Founded in 1754, Columbia University Burns their Brand

Delay, Indecision, Denial destroyed their credibility!



The Creator of The Right Fit Method
Dr. Arlene Introduces

The Right Fit Awards With Dr. Arlene

Eager to WIN?

Read the Announcement & Apply!


















Clients' Praise for Dr. Arlene

“Dr. Arlene Barro is a breath of fresh air in today’s tumultuous job market. Dr. Barro should have her own nationally broadcasted program: ‘Dr. Arlene, The Career Guru’. Much like Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz, Dr. Barro is a charismatic expert in her field. Dr. Barro gives her clients employment hope and specific behavioral modifications using her dynamic and empowering method of personal branding. Dr. Barro coached me to a successful career change, following an unexpected and difficult job loss. She gave me the skills I needed to move from a ‘woe is me mindset’ to an ‘I can and will take charge of my future’. The lady has a gift and she wants to share it!” — Patti Thrailkill -- Independent Consultant

“The Readers Digest version of my story is this. I had my standard functional resume out to companies and websites that were a direct fit for my background. Most of the time I received a stall, an automated ‘no thank you’, or no response at all. Then, I contacted Dr. Arlene Barro for her to work with me to create a branding package. I resubmitted my new branding package, which included more than a resume, to those same companies that had not responded to me. Then I received emails and phone calls expressing interest in me. In the first 90-days, I had three final interviews and two offer letters. I was now in the driver seat of my own career again. I was afforded the rare luxury of cautiously choosing my next career. I credit this luxury to Dr. Arlene Barro’s Right Fit Method and learning how to build and present my personal brand.” — C.M. "Mo" Blake III -- Sales Manager, Pacific Northwest District, Ricoh Legal

“My company was in the process of being sold, and I just started interviewing when I met Dr. Arlene Barro. She helped me identify and focus on the criteria that were most important to me, which then became the blueprint of The Right Fit position. Open to relocation, I conducted a national search which generated several opportunities. I consulted with Dr. Arlene before and after each interview as I was traveling across the country. She worked with me to identify and overcome objections and strategically follow up after the interviews, which lead to more than one job offer. I found a great job which is my Right Fit position and will continue to work with her to delineate my brand as I continue to grow as a senior executive.” — Debra Wood, CPA, MBA, JD -- CFO, Truegreen Landcare

“Once you truly understand branding and incorporate it into your resume and mindset, your job search and your results will start to change. Recently, I received the attention that I deserved from a potential employer. They focused on the unique words that were created to convey my branding and specialties that I had to offer. Through a series of discussions with Dr. Barro, I discovered and/or identified my key attributes and unique skills. With this information, I was able to develop my branding so that any potential employer would understand very quickly what I had to offer. Dr. Barro's unique approach has helped me to understand what I require from a potential employer. This approach will better ensure that both my future employer and I are a good fit for one another which will increase the chances for a good partnership and relationship.” — Michael Conkey, CPA -- Vice President of Accounting & Finance, New Indy Containerboard, LLC

"After a long career in one company and two years of retirement, my interviewing skills and brand awareness were poor. Dr. Arlene asked the right questions and had the right advice and suggestions to help me create a brand that reflected my experience, skills, and desires. As well, Dr, Arlene’s book “WIN Without Competing!” and her coaching helped me to build the interviewing skill set necessary to manage the interview and to clearly and succinctly deliver my message and brand. As a result, I was hired for a better and higher paying position than that for which I was initially interviewed. Without Dr. Arlene's mentoring, I would still be searching for a new position." — Stephen Snyder, MBA -- Financial Consultant, Health Care Service Corporation

Mastering The Right Fit Method with Career Coach ONE: Dr. Arlene


Select the program that is The Right Fit for you now.

You’ve been told how to dress for an interview. The big day is here. You look in the mirror and say, “I look great.” That’s fine, but are you really ready to go on stage? An interview is a performance: like it or not. Let’s get ready to go on stage. The interview game you’re going to play is called WIN Without Competing. To WIN, master a set of strategies incorporated in The Right Fit Method which are the rules of the game.

The Platinum Program

Dr. Arlene will create a customized program just for you to diagnose your current career needs. This program will include a unique composite of the Bronze, Gold, and Silver Programs. Call Dr. Arlene at 310-443-4277 to start the process of branding you for career success.

The Gold Program

The Total Package: The Flawless Fit™

Perhaps you’re uncertain about whether you’re an employee or entrepreneur, which career path you should pursue or how to achieve your career goal. Troubled times can be positively viewed as an opportunity for self-discovery, renewal, and growth. Mastering The Right Fit Method will enable you to become The Total Package: The Flawless Fit to capture The Right Fit position or succeed as an entrepreneur.

You will learn the 7 steps of The Right Fit Method

•Your Core Identity: Know Thyself Now
•Set the Standard: Forget the Competition
•Shape Your Brand: The Right Fit
•Sell Your Brand: Package to Pitch
•Share Your Brand: Manage the Process
•The Calculated Close: Finish the Deal Before It’s Done
•The Total Package: The Flawless Fit

Once you’ve mastered all seven steps, you will have a new mindset and unique strategies which will enable you to WIN Without Competing in your career and in your personal life forever. It’s All Up To You.

The Silver Program


It’s the employers’ marketplace. To hear “you’re hired,” YOU must stop the employer from wanting to interview a parade of candidates. Using my Right Fit Method is the key to success. In our Power-Prep sessions you will learn to:

•Shape Your Brand: Create The Right Fit resume to match the specs of the position, how to overcome objections such as short stints, and use my Resume-Ref™ technique which I created. Your resume must incorporate your achievements which you will express in a style that will make you stand out. Your resume is the written broadcast detailing step-by-step why you are exactly The Right Fit for a specific position.

You’re probably wondering if this resume will be The Right Fit for other positions. In some cases, yes. If you need to change it, you will be able to do this effortlessly because you will understand the principles of how to create The Right Fit Resume.

Food for thought: Do I send my resume first or should I arrange the interview before sending the resume?

•Sell Your Brand: It’s time to do a verbal broadcast. To ace the interview YOU must communicate why you are The Right Fit for the position. It’s not uncommon for employers to search for flaws. You need to figure out in advance what those are and The Right Fit Way to eliminate or minimize them. Knowing how to use my signature questioning techniques of Pick, Probe, and Pitch will help you discover what the job really is, how to match the specs, and figure out whether it’s The Right Fit for you. Remember, accepting a new job is like accepting a marriage proposal. You want the relationship to work. You don’t want a quick divorce!

•Share Your Brand: YOU must Manage the Process which means that you, not the employer, take charge of the interview. You want to have a conversation with the employer in which you concurrently show you are The Right Fit, dispel objections, and uncover new information about the position and the company. To share your brand effectively, YOU must be a master strategist.

The Right Fit Method is a powerful tool. Use it wisely. It’s All Up to You!

The Bronze Program

Mini-Power Preps

Perhaps you want and need little jumpstarts to get you ready for a particular interview or you are interviewing again after working a number of years in the same job. Learn how to:

•Arrange in-person interviews without sending your resume first
•Stop the employer from interviewing other candidates after they interview you
•Ask divergent-thinking questions at the interview to reveal the truth about the job
•Sow the salary seeds on the first interview to test the waters
•Take charge of your interview, create the exquisite fit, and get the offer

How the Programs Work

The Gold Program has 7 components. You should select this program if you want to master the entire Right Fit Method. If you need to figure out your Core Identity now, then this one component can be coached separately. Otherwise, you should consider the entire package.

For The Bronze Program and The Silver Program you can select individual components such as: Sell Your Brand, Share Your Brand and Arrange in-person interviews without sending your interview first. You should select one or more components of either or both programs to match a specific need.

Payments: Pay by check or ACH transfer. For more information, email drbarro@barroglobal.com or drbarro@winwithoutcompeting.com

Make checks payable to: barro global search, inc.

ATTN: Dr. Arlene Barro
Founder & CEO
barro global search, inc.
10940 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 1600
Los Angeles, CA 90024

To discuss these programs and to figure out which one is The Right Fit for you, email Dr. Arlene. To arrange an appointment with Dr. Arlene, call 310-443-4277. Coaching packages are available.

Note the Following: Prepayment is required at the time the appointment is arranged for each coaching session. 48 hours notice is required to reschedule a coaching session. If the session occurs on Monday, then rescheduling must occur no later than 10am PT on Thursday. If you are not available to take a coaching call, you will be charged for the session. Then, you will need to schedule a new session.

Dr. Arlene's Interview of Coaching Client Laurie

“More than 10 years ago, I created The Right Fit Method,™ which I have successfully used to place and coach candidates in the United States and abroad. Eager to share my system with candidates, employees, and employers, I wrote WIN Without Competing! Career Success The Right Fit Way.

“To communicate the essence of my Right Fit Method, I asked ‘Laurie,’ one of my coaching clients, to share her thoughts about her coaching experience with me so that I could share it with you. I interviewed Laurie after coaching her to ‘stardom’ . . . the Dean of a School at a university, which is her first high-level management position.” Read Laurie's Story Here

No one else teaches Right Fit Branding.
You can present yourself as the One Right Fit
and capture your dream job.

Let's begin working together now.
Your brand awaits you!

- Dr. Arlene